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发布时间:2014-09-11  浏览次数: 次  来源:




1. 2021/12-中央财经大学,保险学院,教授

2. 2013/10-2021/12中央财经大学,保险学院,副教授

3. 2007/02-2010/10 香港理工大学,应用数学系,博士







四、 主要研究成果


[1]Liu,J.Z.,Yiu, K.F.C.,Li,X.,Siu, T.K.& Teo, K.L.(2022) Mean-variance portfolio selection with random investment horizon. 2022+. Accepted

[2]Wang,Y.K.,Liu.J.Z.*. & Siu, T.K. (2022). Investment-consumption-insurance optimization problem with multiple habit formation and non-exponential discounting. 2022+.Accepted

[3]Wang,Y.K.,Liu,J.Z.* &Wei,J.Q.Time-consistent consumption-portfolio control problems with regime-switching-modulated habit formation: an essentially cooperative approach. 2022. Accepted

[4]Yu,L.Y., Lin,L.Y., Guan,G.H.&Liu,J.Z.*. Time-consistent lifetime portfolio selection under smooth ambiguity. 2022+.Accepted

[5]Liu, J.Z.Yike Wang, Ning Zhang. The optimal reinsurance and dividend with model uncertainty(I). 2022+,In press

[6]Liu, J.Z., Yan,S.Q., Jiang,S.& Wei,J.Q. Optimal Investment, Consumption and Life Insurance Strategies under Stochastic Differential Utility with Habit Formation. 2022+, In press

[7]Liu,J.Z.,Lin, L.Y, Yiu, K.F.C& Wei J.Q.(2020) Non-exponential discounting portfolio management with habit formation. Mathematical control and related field,10(4): 761-783.

[8]Liu, J.Z,Wang, Y.K., Yiu, K.F.C,(2021) utility maximization with habit formation of interaction. Journal of industrial and management optimization. 2021, 17(3), 1451-1469

[9]Liu, J.Z.,Yiu, K.F.C., & Bensoussan, A.(2018) Inventory control with given continuous replenishment and (s,S) policy. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 56(1), 53-74.

[10]Liu, J.Z., Yiu, K.F.C., & Bensoussan, A.(2018)'Ergodic control for a mean reverting inventory model. Accepted by Journal of industrial and management optimization. 2018

[11]Liu, J.Z., Yiu, K.F.C., & Bensoussan, A.(2017)optimality of (s,S) policies with nonlinear processes. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 22(1),161-185.

[12]Liu, J.Z., Yiu, K.F.C., & Bensoussan, A. (2016).The optimal mean variance problem with inflation. Journal of industrial and management optimization, 21(1), 185-203. doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2016.21.185.

[13]Liu, J.Z., Yiu, K.F.C, Siu, T.K., & Ching, W.K. (2014).Optimal insurance in a changing economy. Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 4(2), 187-202. doi:10.3934/mcrf.2014.4.187.

[14]Liu, J.Z., Yiu, K.F.C.& Siu, T.K. (2014).Optimal Investment of an Insurer with Regime-Switching and Risk Constraint. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2014(7), 583-601. doi:10.1080/03461238.2012.750621.

[15]Liu, J.Z., Yiu, K.F.C., Loxton, R.C.& Teo. K.L. (2013).Optimal Investment and Proportional Reinsurance with Risk Constraint Journal of Mathematical Finance, 3(4), 437-447. doi: 10.4236/jmf.2013.34046.

[16]Liu, J.Z.& Yiu, K.F.C. (2013).Optimal stochastic differential games withVaR constraints. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 18(7), 1889-1907. doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.1889.

[17]Liu,J.Z., Yiu,K.F.C, Siu,T.K. &Ching,W.K.(2013).Optimal investment-reinsurance with dynamic risk constraint and regime switching. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2013(4), 263-285.

[18]Liu, J.Z., Yiu, K.F.C. & Teo. K.L. (2013).Optimal investment-consumption problem with constraint. Journal of industrial and management optimization, 9(4), 743-768. doi:10.3934/jimo.2013.9.743.

[19]Liu, J.Z., Yiu, K.F.C. & Bai, L.H. (2012). Minimizing the ruin probability with a risk constraint. Journal of industrial and management optimization, 8, 531-547.

[20]Liu, J.Z.,Yiu, K.F.C.& Siu. T.K. (2012). A decomposition method for optimal portfolios with regime-switching and risk constraint. Risk and Decision Analysis, 3(4), 269-276. doi: 10.3233/RDA-2012-0070.

[21]Liu, J.Z., Yiu, K.F.C.& Teo, K.L. (2011). Optimal Portfolios with stress analysis and the effect of a CVAR constraint. Pacific Journal of Optimization, 7(1), 83-95.

[22]Yiu, K.F.C.,Liu, J.Z.,Siu, T.K. & Ching, W.K. (2010). Optimal Portfolios with Regime-Switching and Value-at-Risk Constraint. Automatica, 46(6), 979-989. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2010.02.027.

[23]Ma, J.J., Bai, L.H. &Liu, J.Z.(2008). Minimizing the Probability of Ruin under Interest Force. Applied Mathematical sciences, 2(17), 843-851.

[24]刘敬真,林荔圆,孟辉.带消费习惯的最优消费、寿险和投资决策.应用数学学报,202043 (3): 517-534

[25]刘敬真,林荔圆.天气因素对航班延误险定价的影响分析.保险理论与实践, 2018(11):100-110.











[1] Presentation, The 20th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Atlanta, USA, July, 2016

[2] Presentation, The 18th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Shanghai, China, July, 2014

[3] Invited speaker, the first workshop of Hong Kong Consortium of Quantitative Finance, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2012

[4] Presentation and the chair of a session, International conference of applied statistics and financial mathematics, The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Dec 16-18, 2010

[5] Presentation, The 23rd European conference on operational research–Bonn, Germany, July 5–8, 2009

[6] Presentation ,The second international optimization theory and application, Beijing, China, July, 2007

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